Allen Admins best wishes to Sysadminday . I've created just fine, today when I took my slit-s server with my long nose inspected. Not because of the swine flu, which ignore the Japanese after the initial hysteria now but that the clean room are in the servers somewhere between Class 100 and Class 1000 remains.
in after my trip to Yokohama, May, it again for a longer period of use. Not necessarily because I like so much here, but do mainly because it is for me a lot to there. Fortunately, the whole ridiculous traveling circus has become so routine, so that I can say, yesterday and today at any station too late and never more than a quarter of an hour to arrive early to be, and there were so few stations. (Picture: bus terminal at Narita Airport ) The Lufthansa thought she had to give me a free upgrade, so I was under French wine and a good (Japanese) Eating one or another hour of sleep over Russia. Which also seems to hold the waste collection. My Müchen in the check-in printed boarding card is for example the lady at the baggage 10 minutes later torn again and replaced by another only to then be at the gate again 1h later zereissen replaced by another lady and. But with kanpp about one tonne of CO2 to the A340-300 per person out of the skin on the route few sheets of paper are probably not matter. I fought the jetlag quite successful with working and shopping and recently I created the necessary severity by means of a bed can Suntory Premium Malts . For German, Servus, pfiats custody and see you soon!
Unbelievable what in Germany is now all in ARGE s content. Because under the guise of charity by the state to pay 1 € jobber high quality commercial products made. Since the state pays the Dekra million that together bet 1 € jobber Puzzles (5000 pieces in 10 days) or otherwise distribute any possible sense of time. And that will also entire industries adjust only people who are subsidized by the state with huge wage subsidies and the end of the "promotion" immediately discharged and replaced by the next "promoted" unemployment is probably long been common practice. A shame for Germany is, and with the social market economy has nothing to do far more than its bustle is neither social nor market economy.
My favorite motto: KISS = Keep It Small and Simple helps me every day new problems to solve adequately. Maybe Germany should also slow behirnen again the idea of "lean state ", and from all the things that keep out of the country do not really need. I would think there enough for a book to fill it. At the moment, unfortunately, all indicators are pointing in the opposite direction, towards the (over)-regulation of care denied and Gängelstaat, by responsible citizens and personal responsibility similar to last much seems like China of freedom of speech, and doing things and encourages even the leaders of the GDR would have been stupid. Thus, I have only the good Heinreich to quote Heine: