Shopping day in Tokyo, It's Sunday, I finally have to work even at the weekend and I could rest comfortably, but what do I do? I drive instead purely a kna
ppe hour by train to Tokyo and visit the shopping area. The best place for any form of kitchen accessories, tableware, restaurant facilities and everything else except food to eat is one, is the "Kitchen Town
" called road that actually
Kappabashi-dori means. What is not here, you do not also for Japanese cooking and serving. I have limited myself to a few small things, because dishes are indeed great, but not necessarily what basis the weight and fragility is easy to transport.
I was always around, it had to once again be
after a long time. And I was really sorry to say that there is now so extremely crowded that the prices also not necessarily cheap. OK, you really get any bits and pieces, connectors, cables, connectors, adapters, individual components and Supplies and all of the current state of up to 50 years in the past. Of course there are the mega-media market, even electronics stores, but what there is in
Yodobashi-Akiba , I get in the Yodobashi-Yokohama
and must do it do not last forever drag. A visit there is still always worth running around only because of the freaky people there as
cosplayers as the countless girls dressed as French Maid
advertising for what-do-well forever. But now we need it for now for some time.
Finally, I still have a trip to the Y
urikamome Line after
Odaiba made. The reason for this, as
ss I and thousands of others were there today, is also in the anime subculture of Japan. The result is that a 18m high statue of a popular cartoon robot as a sacred pilgrimage site visited, and accordingly venerated. Although nothing really I can see it, but can so many people be wrong? At least have ego took a picture, even if I use my equipment to dozens of others who had come with meter-long lenses looked quite old. Somehow, this action is to serve the application
Tokyo for the Olympic Games 2016 . What exactly is the connection to his must have for the time being remain unclear, but perhaps I am just too conservative and I forget that 2016 is still a lot of time to return to the examples
Robot Soccer to make Olympics.
The Japanese would be pleased.
In this sense!