I had in the last days (email) correspondence with an old friend - Paul Thelen , many of you know him, but who for many years no longer in the village and lives Today, his place of work in Berlin.
"Hi Karl-Josef, had some old pictures greeting Isabell ."
"Hi Paul, great images -. Many thanks man, where you were her ... and still have more of it ????? I would like to show the images in the blog .. what about it? Then I would need but help from you .... The half-timbered houses (Lanne Dorfer / Mehlemerstr - in the snow) was not a special name or by whom was this.? and you may know what the picture with the large half-timbered house - where there sticks out in the first window, the woman (.. I'm going for the angle)? And in the picture "my Löngsberchstrooss with the Lyngsberg in the background and the small half-timbered houses, left front of the house before our neighbors, the Thelen's ..." - There goes your heart on ....... That's me again now as present as if it were yesterday. Thanks and vill jrööss Isabel as of ..... "
"Yes, of course, can set the pictures and I'm still trying to get more .... "
..... and voila - here they are.
is when most of the pictures are a view of the village Lanne, as we know it no longer exists.
The old houses where many of us as children went in and out, had new, beautiful (?) Make room. Somehow, however, as shops on Lanne Strasse many still remember vividly where there were the sweets from the large, round glass beads. Where "Hemp-un Krageknöpp" was ......
(The images click to enlarge)

missing here is the whole building at the bottom Floßweg in Gries and Honnefer Str
The Clock in the tower of the church was from everywhere to see and hear. They struck each quarter hour and slammed it on the full hour the number of hours.

Today is only enough room for paper and glass containers.
Schade - history gives way to prosperity garbage ...

Front left the restaurant "Zur cozy corner" right of the large brick building, the pub of "Aunt Jul ', which was used during the war years as a kindergarten. In addition, the grocery store Schmitz Have countries, then the speed Thienes and behind the later "Bauernschänke. On the left side of the street, in the light house, the consumer food business.

until the early 60s there was on the Strasse Lanne this small business, what the population supplied with all that four bakeries, three butchers and five taverns not on sale had.

Already 100 years ago, the grape as one of the great restaurants in the village, home for the events of the local clubs.

called until a few years, the - from the forties - has become the central venue Gasthof zur Alten Bauernschänke.
Now it is again a gourmet restaurant "Gasthaus zur Traube.

On the right hand side opens out the Kotte Road in the Dragon's Castle Street.
was in the timber-framed house on the right side also provides a "corner shop" - whose name escapes me.
You see, but on the left side, it was still plenty of room in the village were.
at the white house behind the wall lattice was / is the coal trade from the "Kloever Jean" which is now run by his son Hans.

Links Hoffmann, right Neusser, the two half-timbered houses sword and Thelen and more majestic -. ..... The Lyngsberg
When I saw the picture now for the first time, I was speechless, but then dipped again in the world and time of my childhood and youth
all -. and that applies to almost all media, I am now at their presence, as if it were yesterday ...
I hope that you go to so and so my request you.
Please have a look to see if you have still pictures from the old village of Lanne and if so, get in touch ....
Following are a few pictures that Paul sent me from Berlin ..

, submitted to the last 5 frames (in order ..) the have been first (probably as Paul and I) would constitute a house in the corner, then from the villages Lanne taken from. The next, the little one (before the "renovation" 73) would be. Then the image with the two women before the half-timbered house in the corner where the road bends to the right again and straight and right side out to Hoverstrasse geht.Das next picture (.. also in the publication of 1992) shows the new building of the church in 1879 and the last the inn "Zum Stern" in the main street (Drachenburgstr.) where the old factory building was the "bare fittings.
(For all images: click to enlarge)

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