Mir hatten e paar Kning em Kningsches-Stall on och e paar Höhner em Loof.
Un do mot an huhe Fierdaach - Namensdaach, Kirmes... odde esu - schon emol en dovon dran jläuve..
Em Jaade hatte mir natürlich och ejen Gemöös un Obs, wat minge Bap do selver trekke dät.
Banane un Appelsiene joff et ab un zo at emol beim Schliebuschs Griet äver Mangos un Kiwi - wat es dat dann ?
Wat sich bis höck ze Daach noch von domols jerettet hätt, senn drüje Feije - wo me emme die kleene Körne zweschen de Zänn hätt - oder die Dattele, die esu an de Händ un en de Schnüss kläve dätten.... dat jov et äver domols only OEM eröm Christmas.
Koot jesaaht - some wat Hoeck selvsverständlich it knew me Fröher eenfach net.
If jet em Huus ERROR Daet, et moot just will irjendwie besorch.
I can still remember Thurs tuned me in dat Herbs, sen met'm Leedewaare erop no Leeßem jetrocke. Op
of chickens, zweschen Gimmersdorf un Leeßem had the Farmer - andersch like hump - och jruusse fields met Ärppele aanjelaach (.. Hoeck sitt me do ihe Obsplantage odde Boom Schulle for Chrisbööm ...)
The Buue went Pääd met un Plooch draft and the OEM on Ärppele Janz Familich of insulation - the Pänz had Jrad "Potato holidays," jing en fuure the insulation and executed her Raaft the tuber en jruuse Koerner.
Minge Bap stripped of Buue un fröcht'n if he "kaaschte" can. Demm been ejal dat un me koomme su un oos Kaasch then use zom ...
had all the wat net opjeraaf, anjehauene and kleene Ärpel wuurten had opjesammelt en un Körj than me zwe sacks, stuffed op'm Leedeware.
Minge Bap would like to thank the Buue still un se e un Zijarettche zesamme schmuurten verzallten of the Kreechsjohre that Woren jo mol Jrad 6 Joohr over.
Donoher dry I met onsere Ärppel eraff Wedde no Lanne village.
Dehe Württemberg then sorted Emol that anjehauenen koommen en de Foodekessel, wueten jekoch un joffen Foode für Kning on Höhner aff.
Die Kleene Ärppele ever - höck es dat jet besonderes "Prinzesskartöffelchen - Verzehr mit Schale" - koommen en´n Kess und wueten für Ärppelsschloot jebruch...
Met demm Birrekrut, dat wor´n andere Saach...
Dat moss e jood Joahr jewesse senn... Füe zwei Säck Äppel jov et ze Nedderbaachem, beim Zeddelmeie, enne kleene 2 Litte-Emme Appel- odde Birreschmeer.
De Somme över hatt et vell jeräähnt un so blev die "Rekordernte" vom letzte Joahr, wo´me e durchwaasse Fröhjoahr, enne schöne Somme un ne drüjje Herbs hatte, su blev die uss.
Die Birre un Äppelbööm joven net vell her un an reichlich Appel- un Berreschnetzele om Speicher wor net ze denke.
Äver dat Appel un Berrekrut op dem fresche Bruut vom Merzbachs Schäng oder vom Giffels, do wollt me doch net dropp verzichte.

Un su trooke´me - dösmol met de Erbelekaa, die woa "jeländefähije" wie de Leedewaare - en de Leeßemer Wese.
Am Fiejens Schopp langs und dann kuet hinger Weiersch, der kuet für´m Bösch mit singe Hönd am träniere woa, jinget links av en die Wese die unger Leeßem looche.
He hatten die Buure von Leeßem, noah bei ihre Ställ, die - wie säht me höck - die Streuobstwiesen, find out if dat se denne Obs Appelun Birrebäum fall of Daet, her Koeh drop leesse.
Because äver en de last Naach, et esu jestürmp and jeplässtert has wat has eraffjeschöddelt secher einijes of derre Bööm wanted me senn for denne en Koeh the Leeßemer Wese. Koeh Fross secher keen Krut .....
From kleene Leeßemer Kirch et un schlog aach Clock at me had two bags full of Berlepsch and Rambour, as the village eraff en cooker Koeh come. The
Buuere flab dohinger soh ons and began direct aan ze shout: "Your Spezboove - wat it doh mat mate ... you probably dat her fottkut .. " he un fong aan ze ons met Steen noh throw.
No jo - has Käel räch un mir net un mooten seehn dat me fotkoome.
Jottseidank woren mir net met dem Leedewaare ungerwääss, sondern met der "Jeländetauchlichen" Erbelekaa, met denne zwei Rääde un so leeffen mir wedde op Lannedorf aan un huerten der Leeßemer Buue noch lang schreie...

Halven Wäächs Dorf, däten mir äver no rächs, op et Cellie-Heedche aan un dann över die Kniep erraff no Nedderbaachem.
Me sooch schon von wiggem, dat beim Zeddelmeier de Kamin am qualeme wor - se wooren also Krut am koche...
Jedenfalls kroochen mir für die zwei Sack Fall-Obs, enne kleene Ämme Birrekrut un trooken domet op Heem aan.
Birrekrut I mooch emme lever alswie Appelkrut ....
... and here the translation ...
L pus cars, four-tooth herb and pear
The pears cabbage - that was another matter ...
It must have been a good year ... For two bags of fallen fruit were in the "herb plant labels Meier" in a small metal bucket down Bachem pears cabbage ....
It had rained much of the summer and then the bumper crop was the fruit from last year where we had a mixed spring, a warm summer and dry fall off.
The apple and pear trees gave this year not much here and plenty of dried apple rings and Pear chips on the national attic, was not to count this winter.
But on the sweet apple and pear herb of the freshly baked bread from the bakery or Giffels Merzbach, you could do without difficulty.
And so we moved - this time with the Strawberry cart ", which was due to its two wheels" geländgängiger "as the wagon, lying in the meadows below Ließems.
Past "Fiejens Schopp" and just before the forest, "Weiers Häusjen" went, then left over the brook in the meadows of Ließem.
had here, the farmers, next to their stables, which - as we say today ... "orchards" where they fell when the fruit from the tree, their Hinbrachten cows to graze.
Because last night but now a decent thunderstorm had provided safe for the lot had to be due to fruit under the trees, we had gone off early and the cows might certainly no apple or pear cabbage ... From a small church
Ließemer struck within eight clock and we had two bags of "Berlepsch" and "Rambour" on our truck, as the village came a herd of cows in our direction.
The farmer who hertrieb the animals before him, saw us and immediately began to shout: "You rogues - what are you doing you thought about the power you come off ...!"? and he bent down and began to pelt us with stones.
Well - Legal yes he had and we had not lost in his meadow. So we took with our off-road truck to escape in the direction Lanne village.
We heard the angry farmers cry for a long time after us ...
Half way to our village but then we turned right and on the hilltop at the "Cäciliejenheidchen" towards low Bachem.
From a distance you could already see the chimney of the "herb plant labels Meier" smoke ... so they were at the fruit herb "cook ".....
Well - at least we got for our two bags of fallen fruit, pears, cabbage and a small bucket, captivating home.
Since I liked pears herb rather than apple butter .. ....
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